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Alex Williams

Alex Williams

How long have you worked for EFC?

Since January 2024.

What’s your background/experience?

Before stepping into the fundraising space, I worked within creative organisations and retail companies such as T2 Tea, Somerset House and Hofesh Shechter Company, which is where I started working with a range of CRM systems like DemandWare, Sales Force and Tessitura.

This is where I discovered a real passion for visitor, customer and audience insight and seeing how examining this data can better predict trends within creative industries and how it can support teams to build more meaningful relationships with the people we engage with.

I first started within fundraising operations as Development Services Officer at Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM), which is where I managed the college’s donor and alumni data, developed prospect pipelines, managed donor journeys, as well as operationally delivered large appeals and campaigns.

As well as working within data management roles, I was also a sole fundraiser at Hope Mill Theatre, where I worked on all areas of fundraising (individual, corporate and trust & foundations) as well as managing and delivering the theatre’s first ever major fundraising campaign. I used my background in data management to design a data driven campaign which saw the theatres largest increase in public giving by £62,000 or 600%.

As well as being an associate at EFC, I am also the Income and Data Officer at Manchester Camerata. I’m responsible for the orchestra’s CRM system, Beacon, and as well supporting the fundraising team in strengthening the prospect pipeline and income generation.

Why were you attracted to working for EFC?

The heart and drive the collective has for the work they do is incomparable. They have a deep care for each project and client they work with. The support they give never feels transactional, every step is developed with the team and collaboration in mind.

What also attracted me to EFC was the skill set of the collective. They are all specialists in their fields and I admire the fact that I’m surrounded by a team that has some of the best fundraising minds in the sector.

How does EFC stand out from the competition?

I think our reputation speaks for itself, we work effectively and collaboratively. Plus, from working with a vast client base we are able to draw upon so many different ways of working and methods so that each client receives support that’s tried, tested and can be implemented with confidence.

Our other USP is the exchange of knowledge the collective has access to. Even though each client may have a lead consultant, we draw upon all our expertise in the delivery stages. Each client we work with doesn’t just get one of us but has access to the entire collective’s skills set.

What has been your proudest moment whilst working for the company?

So far, my proudest moment has been the delivery of my first data health check with EFC. I’m used to working with the same databases over many years and I got a real thrill from seeing how other institutions have been managing their data and how I can support their next steps. I was also proud that the college decided to implement my recommendations and I’m really excited to see them use the information they have to support their long term goals.

What challenges are facing the industry and how can EFC help clients overcome them?

Coming from an arts background, the main challenge I see is the lack of understanding of the power data-driven fundraising can have on an organisation. Many teams have CRMs to capture information but don’t have the staff or knowledge to be able to interpret this data into analysing trends in areas such as giving, so they end up missing key opportunities to increase revenue. With a small amount of training and support I really believe a team of any size can start to utilise the information they capture to better facilitate stronger relationships.

Most interesting developments happening in the industry?

The shift in CRM development is interesting. There are lots of new CRMs entering the market that are effective, intuitive and fundraiser friendly. It’s interesting to see how the larger CRM companies that have dominated the space for so long are adapting to this and the needs of fundraising teams.

Where do you see the company in five years?

I see the EFC collective staying small but mighty. The team is really interested in developing new systems that will take fundraising operations to a new level. I think we’ll be leading the way for a lot of new technologies that will be really effective for fundraising teams. Watch this space!

Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Just try, what’s the worst that can happen. It’s better to fail than to never start at all.

Describe EFC in five words

Inventive, supportive, collaborative, mighty, top-notch.

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